
Stay Safe in the Storm

Here are a few quick to keep you, your property, and others safe.

  1. Avoid areas that are subject to flooding
  2. Do NOT cross flowing water on foot. Even 6 inches of flowing water can cause you to be swept away by strong currents.
  3. Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Do not drive over a flooded road. Flowing water may hide large holes or areas of washed away roadways. Watch for “Road flooded ahead” & “Road closed ahead” signs and take an alternate route.
  4. If your car stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground.
  5. Do not “sight-see” in flooded areas. Do not enter blocked off/closed areas.
  6. Avoid unnecessary travel during times of heavy rain or flooding.
  7. Check your local city’s website and social media pages for road closure status and tune into your local radio emergency broadcasting station for updates.
  8. Maintain an emergency kit and plan ahead for any hazard that might impact you, your family, or your property.
  9. Place sandbags around your property to avert water flow away from your possessions. *Some cities offer free sandbags to residents and business owners, if not seek supplies at hardware stores.
  10. As a reminder, in case of emergency dial 911.